Hi, I'm Emmy!
My recipes are inspired by wellness in every way! Mind, heart, & body!
I live in the mountains of beautiful Colorado & the past few years have taught me to live consistent, rooted & joyful—to choose health with steadiness and routine…realizing the daily little choices hold so much significance. This began with a rearranging of thought patterns and the deep rooted habits I had in my life. What is my why? —A question I’ve been learning to ask myself! I’m always learning!
My why today is this—I LOVE to cook and always have, especially for family & friends. I think it’s one of the sweetest ways to let people know you cherish them! My why to healthy cooking began freshman year of college! I found out I had celiac and very quickly had to change my why and method behind fueling myself. I researched, asked for advice, figured out the why, and found so much joy in finding delicious alternatives for the foods I enjoyed most—that made me feel amazing.
Direction with consistency brings freedom! and I see all around wellness as opportunity to live richly—in this I cook creatively & deliciously to fuel life!
Gathering my people to share recipes & life together is an absolute joy. I treasure walking in wellness with those dear to me. I hope this approach is encouraging & I’d love for you to join me—let’s live freely!