The choice to forever run has allowed me to see the beauty in everything, everywhere. The mundane, simple, extraordinary, ordinary places of the places I go! Running through Washington reinforced my love for these moments.
I always laugh because no matter how far I run, where I run, how I’m feeing there’s a string of internal dialogue throughout the entirety of it and it takes me on somewhat of a journey. Mentally, physically, emotionally. Running forces such a wide range of things over sometimes, a very short period of time! I come back feeling like I’ve just experienced something special that no one will ever know or understand except me! It’s my favorite!
Running With Newton
As I ran through Washington, I got the sweet opportunity to run and partner with Newton Running!
They’re a running shoe brand based in Boulder with a desire to help people run! They are an amazing company with a mission to give, living by the words “To whom much is given, much is required.” They live to serve and pour into communities of every age and capability…it’s incredible!
I haven’t always been a runner and am so inspired to share my story because of their desire to encourage, and the way it’s shaped the past 8 years of my life!
An Ever Changing Running Story
Get this. Senior year of high school, I joined cross-country to run with my little sister and shuffled across every finish line! And when I say shuffle I mean it. Zero motivation to compete & chatting my friend’s ear off in every race (so clearly my priorities were straight). As the season went on I loved improving, I loved the way I felt, I loved the freedom it brought! I was so excited to have a thing I could pickup anywhere and do my entire life!
Next let’s fast forward a couple months to freshman year of college. I decide to keep running! Without an organized sport I wanted to continue improving. I noticed my energy levels, mood, sleep, discipline, desire to eat clean, really everything improving for the better.
A New Lifestyle!
I continued to run! And run, and run! For 3.5 years…I ran! Senior year of college, I ran my first half marathon. I remember one run so vividly—because something in my brain switched! I was on along run and didn’t think I could finish, but I did. Cheesy, but finishing something that felt near impossible in the moment empowered me in almost every other area of my life to do hard things. It pushed me to focus on the end goal and pushing through. If I could run like that, surely wake up when I’m tired, have a hard conversation, eat healthy, be kind, etc.
Next thing you know, Covid hit my senior year of college and I moved to Colorado & finished school online! I didn’t have friends or community and guess what…friendships began to grow and deepen through long runs! I ran another half marathon in Colorado Springs that fall, and my first full marathon in Washington D.C. last October!
How one small choice can lead to a love, lifestyle and thing so beautiful has me in awe. Looking back, I would have never dreamed it would be my favorite hobby and a place I find joy!
Experiencing Through Movement
Anyway, back to running through Washington. With all that to say, running has become a sweet way for me to experience. I love getting to stay in a town, and not only see the beautiful things but also the side streets, local people, 6 a.m. work commuters—the little close ups & snapshots of life! Trail running through the rainforest was a dream, picking blackberries mid-run & passing hidden waterfalls! All of these sweet moments and experiences happen because I run!
On the last leg of the trip, we stayed at Lake Quinault and it was magical. The lake met mountains covered in pine, and everything was absolutely quiet and serene. We had no reception and it was the best to just be. One morning I woke up as the sun was rising. The air was completely filled with mist, and the color lush green of the trees pierced through the gray morning. I ran up a switchback trail that cut off from the road and found myself trail running for miles that felt like minutes. I felt so alive and aware of my senses and the beauty around me…little snapshots to forever remember places by!
I’ve been noticing this more and more on my daily runs. Every time I come home I seriously feel like I was on a little journey and saw things in their mundane yet rare form. Even if it’s just the beautiful sunrise, or a patch of wildflowers by the trail! I’m seeing this different side of life that I wouldn’t see from that perspective!
Every Day
I’m very grateful my body is able and I love brands that empower and give so everyone can experience the joy of movement and becoming a runner!
It’s easy to shy away from pushing yourself in things that seem like only a “type of person” can be good at. It’s difficult to picture yourself doing something hard until you just start and every day becomes a little bit easier and easier!